Who is a Christian steward? "One who receives God's gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord." With this inspiring, but challenging dictate, the Stewardship Commission for the Parish of Saint Kenneth goes about its business.
Technically, the Stewardship Commission is a service group to the current pastor and the Parish Council, as well as other commissions. They plan, provide for and supervise the financial affairs of the parish, as well as oversee the physical properties.
Our commission is comprised of 14 dedicated men and women. While there are continuing financial challenges for all Catholic parishes, including Saint Kenneth, perhaps the most challenging aspect of this group is to plan and help others live out the life of a Christian. In the coming months, we will focus on the importance of putting stewardship into practice in our daily lives. This focus involves the concepts that stewardship takes on many faces, including the young and old. It ranges from identifying and coming to the aid of others whose lives need the basics of food, clothing and shelter, to those who are desperate for love and understanding. But, it does not end there. God asks us to look out for each other financially, and he expects much from those who have been given much.
The life of a Christian Steward should model the life of Jesus. In this regard, our commission is not limited to a 14 member group, for each parishioner can serve as a steward for Christ. Intense fulfillment and joy should come to those who choose to take the risk of living as Christian stewards. Women and men who seek to live as stewards learn that "all things work for good for those who love God." (Romans, 8:28)
It is important that we set the record straight concerning the act of tithing to ones parish. In several letters to the Corinthians, St. Paul explains about God's indescribable gift.
"Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Moreover, God is able to make every grace abundant to you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work." (2 Corinthians 9:7-8)
That which Paul asks of the Corinthians is grounded in God's own pattern of behavior. Believers in the Old Testament understood that, when they gave to God, God blessed them. Of course this is true, but some mistakenly believe that they must give to God before God will bless them. Consequently, we tend to give in order to get. This is not correct!
Because God is capable of overwhelming generosity, there should never be fear of being in need. God provides in abundance, all that we need, and God always gives first. When our faith allows us to recall that all the material blessings we have comes from Him, and that He promises to bless us for what we give, giving cheerfully is effortless.
And so, in response to how much, and how we should give, you are free to give 10% if you so choose, but know that there is no command to give any particular percentage or any particular amount. Remember, we are fellow laborers with Him. God prefers to work with us in determining how much and to whom we should give.
At Saint Kenneth, you may notice that we do not pass baskets at the offertory. In the Gathering Space, there is a depository in which to place your gift. This depository is a physical reminder of our trust in the Lord. It has not gone unnoticed. Please allow prayer and reflection to guide your donations. God is faithful to His Word, and we rejoice in His blessings!