Do you have a spouse, a friend, a relative, a neighbor, a colleague, or a team mate who might be interested in becoming a member of our Catholic Faith community? Or who you think should be a member of our Catholic Faith community? Now is the time to INVITE that person to come to a gathering to learn about what is takes to become “one of us” on Monday, September 20 at 7:00 PM.
This process, known as the R.C.I.A., includes individuals who have never been baptized, and who have been baptized in another Christian community, and who have been baptized as Catholic but never celebrated Eucharist or Confirmation.
Most of us know someone who has questioned something about what is it means to be Catholic. Those people are be waiting to be INVITED by you to take the next step in their faith. Encourage them to contact Gene Kijek at or the Parish Office for more information. Or even better, do it for them.