Registration is still open! Please get your forms in as soon as possible so we can gather resources. Remember the form on the website is for both at home and in class registration. Sacrament registration forms are separate. They can be mailed back or dropped off in the kiosk in the church or mailed to the Parish Office. We ask that you please register as soon as possible so we can finalize the plan for this year.
Important - There will be a parent meeting on September 14 and 15 at 5:00 PM in the church. This meeting is for all parents, at home or in class. The at home families will receive their first packet of materials as well as the textbook. The in class parents will learn about the procedures to ensure safety for all participants. thank you!
We are still in need of many volunteers. Several catechists are desperately needed. We also need door and hall monitors, especially for arrival. We ask that you please prayerfully consider helping out this year. Any time you can offer the program will be greatly appreciated. Together we can lift up our children and provide an faith-filled and fun experience this year! Please contact Jodi, Betty, or Joanna at the Parish Office to volunteer. Please note: The K - 6th Grade Wednesday option is no longer available.
Click here for the Registration Forms