We are gearing up to once again host the Lenten Program called “Living the Eucharist.” It is a small group discussion opportunity for you to immerse yourself in scripture and deepen your relationship with God.
It will offer a time of fellowship for you with the chance to share your faith with other parishioners and to learn and grow so you can participate more fully in the sacrament of the Eucharist here at Saint Kenneth.
Small discussion groups will be formed and will meet weekly during Lent beginning after Ash Wednesday on Thursday, February 27th and continuing through Lent.
The cost will be $10 per participant to cover materials.
Meetings will be held on the following days and times. Please choose on that is most convenient for you.
Thursday Evenings (beginning February 27th) from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Includes discussions in small groups with light refreshments and fellowship
Saturday Mornings (beginning February 29th) from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM Includes discussions in small groups with light refreshments and fellowship
We are also in need of Facilitators. We are looking for a few people who would like to co-facilitate and lead the small groups. Please let Deacon Denny know if you are interested in facilitating.
To register, contact Deacon Denny at deacon@stkenneth.org
or call the Parish Office at 734-420-0288.