Full Christian initiation is celebrated in three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For Catholics, the sacrament of baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of faith and spiritual development. Parents requesting baptism for their children must be practicing Catholics consistently worshiping in a faith community before the baptism of their baby. Parents are also required to attend a baptism preparation class which looks at the history and theology of Christian Baptism. To schedule the baptism class and baptism date, call the parish office.
Parents are the first and best teachers of the faith for their children. In the reality of the faith life of small children, faith is more caught than taught. This happens in the day to day experiences of family life through words and example. In other words, children learn more about God and faith not from being "taught" but by the day to day example of the adults surrounding the child. When parents present their child for baptism, they are asked if they are willing to accept the responsibility of raising their child in the practice of the faith. By saying "yes" the parents [and godparents] make a promise to do their best in passing on faith to their child. The community of the Church relies on this promise and also promises to assist the parents in this responsibility.